Monday, July 6, 2020

Taking a Pause

Good morning.

For those of you who are regular readers of this blog, you may have noticed that a couple of weeks have gone by without a new review. That's for a few reasons:

One: I haven't been really reading, as I've been focusing so much on writing. I'm preparing the first draft of The Shadow of Theron for beta-reading, and whatever free time I have has been taken up by that. It's a beast - over 120k so far, and I'm not done typing it up yet. I'm really happy with it though, and that's what counts.

Two: Even that work is happening much slower nowadays, as a resurgence of vertigo keeps me from focusing on the written word - anybody's words.

Three: When I can read, I often put down books or just don't like them enough to put in the effort to review them.

So: this blog is going to go on a temporary hiatus. I'll still be around, and when I'm able to read/write/operate on some level of normalcy, you'll see more of me here. For now, take solace in the fact that there are lots of reviews and recommendations up in the past feeds. As updates make sense, I will make them.

For now - take care of yourselves- your bodies, your brains, your spirits. Take a walk. Read a book. Write a story. And for all our sakes, stay safe.

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